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North Haven High School

North Haven, Connecticut

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Fred Staples Obituary

Graduation Year Class of 1962
Date of Passing (unknown)
About I'm not sure of the exact date of Freddie's death. I was on a military mission at the time. From what I understand he was target practicing with his rifle when a richet bullet hit him in the chest. He died in the fields he loved to wander.

Freddie was a good friend, and I haven't forgotten him over these many years. He and I had many a good times trolling for girls in his 1957 Chevy.

I suspect Freddie had more fun than me , though. He had no fear of rejection, which was my major flaw in that department. Nevertheless, I look back on those days with nostalgia.

Our risque activities of those days now seems so innocent by comparison to the standards of modern generations.

Freddie is not in the class yearbook because he elected to transfer to Eli Whitney Technical School in grade eleven. He'd decided to become a meatcutter.

Now he rests in a cemetary near the old North Haven Center Elementary school playground, or at least that was the school that was there when I visited his grave approximately 20 years ago. Given that the old NOrth Haven High School building no longer exists in its 1962 state, there's no telling what changes the years have wrought.

Whatever the case, the dust from the road now blows over him as it will with all of us at some point. I suspect only this verbiage will serve to publicly remind anyone that he ever existed. Rest you well, Freddie.

- S. J. Konopka
Fred Staples