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Brantley County High School

Nahunta, Georgia

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George B. Herrin Obituary

Graduation Year Class of 1981
Date of Passing Aug 06, 2006
About My sweet brother passed away two years ago this August. He was funny, loud, aggravating, generous and caring. A lot of people thought we were twins, we were so close. I miss that boy more than I can say.
He stepped in and gave me away at my wedding. The first year or my marriage he came over to stay a couple of days and ended up living with us for almost a year in a one bedroom apartment. I have never laughed as much as I did that year. The three of us had a blast.
Our lives took us on different paths, his was a lot riskier than mine. I believe with all my heart that The Lord took George and that I will see him again. And he'll be grinning that big ole George grin from ear to ear.
George B. Herrin