Graduation Year | Class of 1976 |
Date of Passing | (unknown) |
About | Judy lost her battle with cancer in March of 2005. Even though we were classmates, I didn't get to really know Judy until the late '80's. She was very active in her church and took pride in being a "professional student" - which means that she was always in school trying to get another degree in something. She was an active volunteer for many causes and possessed one of the purest hearts. Judy was truly one of the most selfless people I've ever met. She was a true giver and a beautiful person. Judy became one of my best friends and we traveled on many ski trips and camping trips with our group of friends. Judy left 2 daughters and countless friends who miss her. Whenever i think of Judy and miss her, I can now smile and know that an angel has made her way back home. Kerry J. Beech |