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Richwoods High School

Peoria, Illinois

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Daniel J. Elias Obituary

Graduation Year Class of 2001
Date of Passing (unknown)
About Daniel was in our graduating class at Richwoods. He also attended Kellar Primary, Lindbergh Middle, and Washington Gifted Schools prior to his time at Richwoods.

We have spoken with Daniel's family to get permission to donate in his name to a charity of their choice (we will likely do a 50/50). This is the information for his family's preference.

The Daniel J. Elias Memorial Foundation (this is what the foundation supports)

We thank you in advance for any efforts you are able to make to contribute to the foundation, which is close to the hearts of Daniel's family. We will keep you informed of any efforts we are able to make on behalf of the class as well.

Daniel's parents and sister are also welcome to come to our reunion in order to accept whatever donations are made by our class.

Thank you again!! And if you have any suggestions on how to raise some money for their foundation, please feel free to contact me at If you would like to volunteer to manage the 50/50 (during the game and/or at the reunion) or facilitate any other fundraising event, please let me know!! All help is appreciated!
Daniel J. Elias