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Danville High School

Danville, Kentucky

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Janalie Nutter King Obituary

Graduation Year Class of 1978
Date of Passing Feb 06, 2008
About Janalie passed away on February 6, 2008. She had found out that she had cancer in the fall of 2007 and it took her Wednesday morning after a terrible storm had passed through Kentucky. Many of us felt that she passed on to Heaven during the calmness of that storm. Janalie was a birght light for everyone that ever knew her. Her legs were disabled from birth but she never considered herself as handicapped. She just had a different way of walking, Knowing her, she possibly thought that everybody else walked funny. She was married to Stephen King and they lived in Danville. She had two step-sons and a grandchild. Her mom and dad, Joretta and Bob Nutter, are still alive. Her brother, Dean, is too. He graduated in the class of 1975. Janalie lived her life based upon God's love. Her favorite verse from the Bible was Phillipians 4:13.....I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me......Truly Janalie lived with Chist's strength. She never felt defeated. She is now running and dancing in Heaven with perfect legs. Please remember her friends and family in your prayers. Janalie is a now an angel in Haaven watching over us on Earth.
Janalie Nutter King