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Walkersville High School

Walkersville, Maryland

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Michael D. Schrodel Obituary

Graduation Year Class of 1998
Date of Passing Aug 23, 2001
About Michael D. Schrodel

Born in Frederick, MD July 24, 1970 to David M. Schrodel, '66 and Diana Pennington Schrodel, '67

Brothers Douglas R. and Dana C., '98

Walkersville High School, Class of 1998

Frostburg State University, Bachelor of Science, Class of 1993

Member Sigma Tau Gamma Fraternity

Married July 1994 - Teresa M. Radosevic Schrodel, '93 (Sigma Tau Gamma White Rose 1992)

Daughter born September 1998, Carmen Elizabeth Schrodel

Employed with Enterprise Leasing of Gaithersburg, MD, October 1993 - June 1996

Employed Atlantic Coast Title, Dunkirk, MD June 1996 - 2001

Died August 23, 2001 following 18-month battle with cancer

As he did with his life, Mike Schrodel made the most of his time at FSU. He knew that college's lessons were not limited to the classroom. He was a good student, majoring in business administration. But more importantly he was a devoted friend to everyone who had the pleasure of meeting him—including the brothers of Sigma Tau Gamma.

Mike was very active in his fraternity, serving on the executive board. A star athlete during his years at Walkersville High School, he played a key role on several intramural championship teams. In fact, his feats on the field helped catch the eye of his wife, Teresa.

He cherished every second he spent with Teresa, his daughter Carmen, his family and his friends. Everything else was just details. You could always count on Mike to share a few laughs—even throughout his struggle with cancer. He faced adversity with the strength and courage of a superhero. His visitors always felt better when they left than before they arrived—not an easy task. But Mike always had the ability to make people feel good about themselves. And he exemplified the way life should be lived.
Michael D. Schrodel