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Keyport High School

Keyport, New Jersey

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Christopher Michael Lapinig Obituary

Graduation Year Class of 2000
Date of Passing Feb 20, 2008
About Michael was in a motorcycle accident of duty while serving the Navy almost 8 years. He was stationed in San Diego CA and passed away at the age of 25. As a family we decided to donate his organs where he was diagnosed as brain-dead. We are very PROUD to say that Michael saved 4 lives including a 11 year old girl from New Orleans who received his heart.
According to the nurse that handled my brothers case she only had a 24 hour window opportunity of surviving. Now she has has a whole life ahead of her. He also helped a 34 year old male, 40 year old female and a 58 year old female from Washington. We are very proud to say that even though Michael is no longer with us physically he is will ALWAYS be with us. I love you Mike and till we meet again....

"Time is a companion that goes with us on a journey.

It reminds us to cherish each moment, because it will never come a gain.

What we leave behind is not as important as how we lived."- Captain Jean-Luc Picard.
Christopher Michael Lapinig