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West Milford High School

West Milford, New Jersey

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Wm 78 Deceased List (partial) Obituary

Graduation Year Class of 1978
Date of Passing (unknown)
About I would like to remember, with respect, our 1978 Classmates whom have passed away.
Erwin Woehle, Barbara Verdenhalven, Kevin Bastable, Gene Cimmino, Mike Conklin, Curt Custance, Greg Goss, Craig Gravatt, Joe LaCorte, Scott Linke, Gregory Terrafranca, Michael Morreale, Danny Oraho and Cynthia Rew.
We will gather in September for a reunion, but want to remember those who should have been with us.
Donna Finnegan
(this is a partial list, we have only made contact with half the class)
Wm 78 Deceased List (partial)