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Newburgh Free Academy High School

Newburgh, New York

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Amanda Joyce Greif Obituary

Graduation Year Class of 1990
Date of Passing Apr 03, 1998
About It has been eleven years since my sister, Amanda, slipped quietly from this life. April 3, 1997 at 6:23 AM. She was 24 years old.

After her passing, a memory book was made by and for everyone who was touched by Amanda's life. Copied below are a few thoughts from the people who loved her... (and love her still)...

Dad: "I want to continue eulogizing my lovely daughter, now and forever, using a few words that capture the essence of her:
- Always pretty and often beautiful.
- A pint sized firecracker with a gentle loving heart and soul.
- Boundless energy and a contagious ability to enjoy life.
- A wonderful and enthusiastic hostess, thrilled by any opportunity to share the beauty and peace she found in where she lived.
- A natural cheerleader; I benefitted - benefit still- from her encouragement to be who I am.
- A role model in courage. "

Lauren (sister) : "You're always in my thoughts...
Alive and safe in my heart...
My sister. My friend. What a precious gift.
I love you.
P.S. "Worship the cows"

Pat L - boyfriend : "In just a few short months, Amanda became my life. She was the reason that I wanted to wake early each morning and the last person I wanted to see before I closed my eyes. Each night, I couildn't wait to put my arms around her and tell her how much I missed her that day. Maybe Amanda thought I was being kind to her because she was sick, but that wasn't it at all - I hope she knew me well enough to read between the lines and see that she was the most important person in my life and I wanted it to stay that way.
I know she was not perfect.
But she was perfect for me.
I will always miss the girl who has my heart"

Kathie (sister / me):
""Amanda's sense of humor was truly a gift from which we all benefitted. It was her way of expressing affection, of reaching out and connecting to the people who touched her life.
I feel fortunate to have been the "butt" of many of her jokes because I knew - I KNOW -that it meant she cared.
Amanda's life, her memory and her incredible ability to find humor in any situation will live on in my heart for the rest of my life. I am thankful for the privelege of knowing Amanda, of watching her grow in to the courageous person she became and for the honor of calling her my "little sister". Amanda packed more living in to her 24 years than most of us do in a lifetime..."
Amanda Joyce Greif