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Calallen High School

Corpus Christi, Texas

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Daniel Lopez Obituary

Graduation Year Class of 1988
Date of Passing Apr 17, 2011
About Viewing: April 20th, 7pm
Funeral: April 21st, 10am
Seaside Memorial CC

Friends, I am saddened to have to tell you that we have lost a classmate to leukemia. Daniel Lopez passed away on Sunday, April 17th. He leaves behind his parents, a wife, and two daughters. The viewing will be Wednesday evening at 7pm at Seaside Memorial in Corpus & the funeral is at 10am on Thursday also at Seaside. The Class of '88 would like to show our love & support to his family by taking up a collection for flowers & food & scholarships for his daughters. If you would like to help, you can send checks to 11105 Jackson Terrace, CC, TX 78410 or email me @
Daniel Lopez